
I love to encourage people and to see their happy faces… and there is something special about a child’s open face, full of delight and joy!

The word “winsome” came to mind this week and just thinking about it made me smile. It carries a sense of brightness and cheerfulness. A person who is winsome draws smiles from others.

I think it has a lot to do with keeping a positive attitude, too. My mom was such a good example of that. Always encouraging, helping us to see things from better perspectives. Showing a good mood or disposition can be challenging! We choose what frame of mind we want to dwell on, whatever is going on, and that can be easier at some times than others… Oh, that we all could be more winsome in our day-to-day encounters!

Cheerful or happy hearts and dispositions need to be cultivated. It’s something that I still struggle with sometimes. When the thoughts and worries won’t quit whirling around and around in my head, I have to keep looking for the good and working on having a better perspective. Lots of prayer, too! Maybe you have similar challenges. The book of Proverbs gives us some wisdom for attitude adjustments and outlook:

“A cheerful disposition is good for your health…”
or in other words, “A cheerful heart is good medicine…” Proverbs 17:22a

I also love this one, “…the cheerful heart has a continual feast” (Proverbs 15:15b). Don’t you just love that thought?! Nurturing a cheerful heart brings a feast for the soul, not just for ourselves but for everyone we extend that welcome cheer to.

How can we nurture a deep-down happy or positive heart? We can do this by keeping ourselves fueled and connected to God. Tending that time with God, prayer, quiet moments, fellowship and sharing with others we value, and intentional focus on positives and thanks are some things that can help. What are some things that work for you?

Be encouraged! Praying that these thoughts will brighten your days and ease your hearts.

Charlotte-Anne Allen 7/15/2023

Butterfly Yellow

Happy and cheerful
Brightens your day

Shines in warm sunshine
With good things to say

Brimming with such energy
Canaries singing or buzzing bees

Drawing attention inspiring hope
Finding the positive in what it sees

Cautions to proceed with care
Head uplifted to solve a problem

Yet creative optimistic inspiring
Not defeated or overcome by them

A touch of light to cheer you on
As a butterfly floating… is joyful yellow

From “On Colors”
Charlotte-Anne Allen

Right Here, Right Now

“Thank you, God, for this day. Be with me and guide me.” These and similar thoughts and prayers are my daily morning greeting.

Whether we’re someone who awakens quickly, fully alert and moving, or are someone who slowly regains consciousness through blurry eyes and reluctant body where moving is concerned, we all have in common our needs or plans for the day.

With each day’s beginning, we also have a choice about our attitude and our outlook. Our thoughts and responses will likely follow what we have chosen to focus on. Are we dwelling on the negative? Do we make a conscious commitment to see the positive? I am learning to capture the bright spots, to be more aware of them, and to be thankful for those moments.

As I stood at my kitchen sink one day, humming to myself as I washed dishes, I was suddenly aware that I was happy. There had been frustrations earlier with my office work. I was concerned about the health of some family members. There were any number of things to get me down. But “right here, right now” I was happy. I repeated that to myself and smiled, and I thanked God for the “right here, right now” times. I am thankful for moments when I can refocus and trust that God walks with me, and I with him, when my focus turns away from stressful things and rests in Him.

In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, he urged people to think on things that are good and positive. He urged them not to worry but to rejoice and to know that God was near and that His peace would guard our hearts and minds. * These words themselves are cause for happiness and hope.

How many times have we rushed on to the next thing without fully appreciating or acknowledging our spots of joy and happiness? Yes, bad things happen. Yes, some days are exhausting. People die or face pain, frustration, or tragedy… Then too, there are the powerful moments, when we realize in the “right here, right now” that happiness and peace comes from our great and loving God and His presence with us. Memories and moments can burst upon us and make us smile, even through our tears, and laugh and know God’s awesome love in the midst of it all.

My prayers for us all are to gather those moments and smile and exclaim to ourselves, “right here, right now… I’m happy.” God bless.

*Phillipians 4:4-9