Crystal Clear

Winter’s Nip

“Hello,” he says,
“Just passing by today.
But I’ll be back
For a longer stay!”

“It’s been a while.
I’ve been away,
To other climes,
Some cold to lay.”

“It’s quite a job,
The world to view.
Opportunities to enjoy
Outside for a few.”

“A nice warm fire
Will do for some
Who prefer to be toasty
When I come.”

With a nod and smile
He travels on.
But he’ll return
He’s not gone!


A comfortable chair beside a fire

A jacket drawn tightly against day’s chill

The smiles bestowed on gloomy days

Sun-soaked sand upon bare feet

Soft fur of pets beneath chilled fingers

A baby cradled in one’s arms

Bright rays shining through window panes

Snuggled beneath covers on a winter day

A friendly touch and welcoming greeting

Hot cup of drink held between our hands

Homemade soup to sip and savor

Thoughts and remembrances bring to mind

Warm arms and warm hearts to warm one’s soul

Ah, blessed warmth inside and out


What’s that I hear
Loudly scolding “intruder intruder”
Leaping now up grand oak tree
Peering out from high above

An interruption of day’s work
Those wily robbers of bird feeders
And gatherers of nature’s bounty
Ready against winter’s chill

With flip of bushy tail
Now return to busy preparation
Planting storing, hop and poke
Now where did I leave that

Home sweet home in arching bowers
A comfy den or nest just right
To snugly curl within
Awaiting spring’s first touch

Wintery Places

winter snow bush n heart_red outline

A dark night, I draw into my coat against the freezing wind and biting chill. My head aches from the cold air I draw in through my reddening nose. Memories of warmth and light seem dim, as does the path ahead…

Haven’t we all faced similar scenes in life’s journey?! Sometimes our dark nights come gradually, perhaps painfully, as those we love slowly leave us … whether through increasingly debilitating illness, addictions, mental or emotional challenges, or any number of things which result in that withdrawal. Other times we are slammed abruptly by a flying boulder which smashes all that we care about into a pile of unrecognizable debris. We are left feeling numb, angry, or broken.

How do we face life’s times of loss and the resulting debris left behind? It can be a long, cold, and lonely journey. God, who faithfully walks with me and carries me, gives me hope. Through Him, that sometimes-dimming light can grow brighter. He touches me with the joy of His presence.

I’m reminded of some favorite verses in the Song of Solomon. What a wonderful reminder this little-quoted and sometimes misunderstood book of the Bible is! God’s love poem to us!

For lo, the winter is past. The rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth. The time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. *

Like a warm scarf, God’s love wraps around me. I blink at the light shining through breaking clouds and find shelter from the driving wind. There is delight in the sparkle of new snow and clinging icicles. Friends and family bring comfort and fellowship. Warmth welcomes.

Through Jeremiah, God spoke a promise for us all:

The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, with lovingkindness I have drawn you. Again, I will build you and you shall be rebuilt… *

May we find in God’s love poem and His words of promise, comfort in our wintery places. Be encouraged.

*Song of Solomon 2:11-12; Jeremiah 31:3-4a

Springtime Promise

Thrift in Snow_IMG_4513

Brrr!! The calendar says springtime, but cold rain, sleet, and snow have been falling! Some people find the cold season invigorating. For me, those first buds and sprouts are a promise that warmer days are coming and with that promise comes anticipation. Even as the earth stirs as from sleep, I too stir… contemplating the year ahead and the winter past. It reminds me of some verses from a seldom read passage in the Song of Solomon, which my father loved: For lo, the winter is past. The rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth. The time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.

I look forward to new opportunities and growth, windows open wide to greet fresh air, and summer gardens and lawns. Even the responsibilities of work, church, and family seem more enjoyable. It is easier to turn loose of the “stuff” that tends to pile up during cold, lonely, or difficult seasons. When faced with challenging times, my mom would often say, “this too shall pass” … and she was right! Even as winter passes into springtime, so life moves on. Mom’s reminder and optimism was much appreciated, not that all would always turn out as wished but that we can be assured that God would get us through.

How my impatient or hurting self sometimes struggled to see that though. It is in more recent years that I have come to better experience the peace God provides for each day. Snow melts and sunshine warms! That’s why I love the springtime. Flowers appear. Singing comes. Life is renewed.

*Song of Solomon 2:11-12 (also known as the Song of Songs)