Let’s Take a Walk

Reflections on Popsicles

• Approach life with interest, flavor, and zest
• Treasure those memories of special moments frozen in time
• Cold hearts lead to a dreary life but warm hearts provide cheer to many
• True friendship is like a taste of creamy goodness
• Live honestly that your true colors reflect integrity
• Sharing compassionately arises from brokenness
• Do not allow frosty responses to dim your peace
• Be your positive and add color and flavor to life
• When coldness invades, allow warmth to savor goodness
• God can melt the most cold and stubborn heart
• Seek what refreshes and strengthens you and give thanks
• Missed opportunities can result from frozen indecision
• Let go of worries and enjoy good fruits of life
• Your center support is God’s strong presence

From “Reflections from the Everyday”
Charlotte-Anne Allen

“As…so” Proverbs for Summertime

As cool weather moves to summer heat, so does time flow ever forward

As gatherings bring reunion, so friendship brings renewal

As outdoor activities and fair weather draw us, so encouragement and enjoyment bring us together and build positive relationships

As lightning flashes and thunder roars, so is one who seeks attention or hides pain

As vacations and travel bring welcome breaks, so shared experiences and time bring greater understanding and perspective

As fields are harvested, so completed work satisfies and brings provision

As yards are mowed and gardens tended, so treat your own bodies with care

As the smells of summer cooking waft through the air, so does the telling of stories and revisiting of sights renew and build memories

As the sun’s light and heat engulf us, so may God’s Word fill us

As water cools and refreshes, so does a positive spirit bring calm and hope

– from “As… so Proverbs”
Charlotte-Anne Allen

Stay in Touch!

“It’s good to see you!” “How are you doing now?”

“See you soon!” “Stay in touch!”

Our desire or need for connectedness is expressed in many ways. It can be challenging to build and to maintain relationships with family and friends when separated by distance or circumstances! Those times when we can talk or correspond with each other bring us closer together… for encouragement, for enjoyment, to share, and to support each other. Working or serving together with others provides opportunities to deepen friendships and to develop new ones.

When my cousin and I get on the phone to each other, we usually talk for at least an hour… catching up, sharing thoughts, and lending support. We do not often get to see each other, as we live in different states, but when we do get together then we talk for hours. Close relationships are special! I am reminded of a verse in the book of Proverbs that says, “A friend loves at all times, and kinsfolk are born to share adversity.” Relationship rises above differences and hardship.

Can you imagine building a positive relationship without staying in touch with that person? What if we rarely or never really talked to them about things that matter? How would they know that we care? Without desire and commitment, there would be no way to develop lasting friendships.

The same is true with our relationship to God, isn’t it? Jesus told his disciples, “I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father.” Can you imagine that?! I’m so glad that God wants a relationship with us! As we build closer connections to God, through prayer, our faith community, and by studying His Word, we learn more about Him. We grow in our own faith and our words and actions let others know that we care.

My prayers for each of us – busy, stressed, struggling, thankful – are that we may rise each morning and lie down each evening knowing that we have a faithful friend in God, who is always by our side. Stay in touch!

*Proverbs 17:17, John 15:15, Luke 11:2

Reflections on Mouths

We choose to build up or to tear down
• Consider your words before you speak, and you will not lament the after
• Criticizing in condemnation shuts the door on growth and grace
• A careless tongue is like a roaring volcano
• An open mouth without consideration often spews flames of hurt
• Words of encouragement sweeten the most bitter
• What you say or don’t say reveals your character
• Wise instruction is a great treasure
• The words of others which you eat and drink, will come back up in your own voice
• Harsh words shred our soul and tear our heart
• Restraint is a strength, so cover your mouth when needed
• Fresh air breaths light into a day like songs of praise
• Friendship and respect welcome all words shared
• Give heed to the eternal Word which is full of grace and might

Reflections on Slippers

Slippers 1_IMG_1466

• Each day needs slipper moments
• Rise to a new day with anticipation of good
• A warm smile and kind touch bring comfort
• Soft words encourage healing and rest
• Protecting others is a most noble call and occupation
• Reach out to others like a warm home on a cold day
• Slip on true friendship and slide off falsehood
• Put on that which will enrich life
• Embrace laughter and silly slippers for a joyful heart
• A peaceful evening of rest is a great blessing
• Knowing we are useful brings contentment
• The Comforter is always with us


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The wind it blows where e’er it will
And water flows how e’er may be

People move from here to there
Now how’d the geese know when to fly

Fog and mist rise to the sky
Or settle down to take a rest

Then comes a blast a howling screech
Now grab your hat or turn and flee

Hot words scorch frigid reactions steal
Friendship and compassion lie in dust

Now caught unaware, oh what was that
Grab for a tree or find a warm spring

Howl with the dogs to drown the screech
Throw down the salt to melt the ice

The wind it blows where e’er it will
And water flows how e’er may be

As sirens pass motors roar by
We settle and rest …and laughter returns