Reflections on Ice Cream

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        • Trying new things enriches life
        • Take time to enjoy each taste
        • Begin any task with your best ingredients
        • The right combinations make all the difference
        • Transformations can bring much good
        • Sweetened words diffuse tension
        • Pain and grief may hide behind a cold facade
        • Kind acts and a loving presence can bring healing
        • Cool refreshment eases stress
        • An emptied bowl tells of a meal provided
        • Don’t forget the toppings
        • We look forward to the arrival of the Ice Cream Truck

from “Reflections from the Everyday” caallen

Reflections on Mud Puddles

puddle in the woods_by Anastasiya Romanova_Unsplash

• Who we choose to be is reflected in pools of life
• Life is a mixture of many things
• This mixture can form mud
• Mud may be healing or may clog up the works
• Puddles form when too much comes at us at once
• Allow times of stillness to wash away stress
• Accumulate provisions for times of need
• Friendship is like rainwater
• Rainwater refreshes after long dry times
• We pour ourselves into things we are passionate about
• Run splash enjoy life
• Joy comes when we take time for small pleasures


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I love to read a good novel! As I am drawn into that world, I see it in my mind’s eye, and I imagine the experiences the characters are going through. I too face the challenges, pull for the hero, and hold my breath as they face terrible odds. What a gift our imagination can be.

As we imagine, we form a mental picture or image of something. An anticipated event we are unable to attend, possible scenarios of actions or words we are considering, and creative projects all involve our imagination. Sometimes I think that I have too much imagination, especially when I get stuck on negative possibilities! Focusing on positive things seems to help.

What would the world be like without artists, musicians, inventors, scientists, and others? We receive so many benefits and enjoyment from each other which arise from our imaginations. I love to watch or join in with a child at play… playing pretend. Theatre and dance are favorite expressions too.

Does God have an imagination? I think He must! When God created the universe, He had an image in mind of this place, of what the world and its inhabitants would be and how it would look… an image of life. In fact, the book of Genesis says that humankind was created in His own image. * Our imaginations are a small but important reflection of His own as we allow Him to work through us. Paul said in his letter to the church in Ephesus that God is able to do so much more than we ask or imagine. *

Great things begin with a great imagination. May we open ourselves up to the possibilities. Imagine that!

* Genesis 1:27; Ephesians 3:20-21

Summer’s Waning

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As summer begins to wane here, there is a new feel in the air as thoughts shift and activities focus on the changing season. The cycle of hot days and storms is slowing, although the cool touch of dew in the evenings through the mornings continues to refresh the ground (and bare feet!). The hum of lawn mowers, kids playing outdoors, and voices of those out and about in various summer activities will also continue for a short while. School has already started back for some teachers and students and buses rumble past in their journey to further the education of their charges.

For some, there is anticipation of cooler temperatures and new beginnings and for others there is perhaps a small sigh and a determination to enjoy the last of this season as long as possible. Isn’t that so like all of our lives?

I am reminded of life’s ebbs and flows, like the seasons of the year and waxing and waning of the moon. Difficult times, changing times, happy times, and growing times are all part of our own experience. The familiar passage in Ecclesiastes 3 says it so well, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…”

What will we do with our own seasons – as we move from warmth to cool, to freshening or to dryness, to relaxation or hard work, or from trials to celebration – in an ever-moving rhythm? For good or bad, we hold on to some things and never fully experience or enjoy other things.

Struggling through the waning of things we hold dear is hard! Waiting, letting go, and wrestling with churning emotions is unsettling, a difficult or uncomfortable place to be!
Will the light grow again? Will happiness come? … But I don’t want to say “good-bye”! Even moving through new and positive seasons can be a challenge. It’s so easy to miss the goodness in the sometimes-mad rush of life!

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve made a resolve to intentionally enjoy those positive times, to catch myself in those moments. It has taken some practice! Perhaps it is a satisfying opportunity to help someone else… a new word spoken by a child I’m working with… encouragement or a positive comment from a friend… time to rest and relax after a long day of work… or moments with my family.

There’s so much to be thankful for, whether the season is ending, beginning, or even in the difficult waiting and changing times between them! We can be assured of God’s presence in them all… as we are looking back, looking forward, and taking time for the now.

My prayer for us today is that we will know God’s presence through all of our seasons and find comfort and joy in Him.

*Ecclesiastes 3:1-13, Psalm 23

A Cup of Tea

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The water’s hot
The cup is ready
What shall it be today?

Some chamomile
Or peppermint
To calm
Or energize

For grumbly stomach
Or to ward off ills
Some ginger
Or echinacea

But green tea’s good
And traditional black
For strengthened heath
And comforting warmth

What’s that you say?
It tastes like grass?!
Don’t spew it out!
Now give it just a chance.

A bit of tea at end of day
Or when you’re feeling drained
It’s just the thing
I tell the truth

You’ll stick with coffee?
To each his own they say
Ahhh, this is fine
Time to relax and enjoy

… While I sip my cup of tea