A Cup of Tea

cup of hot tea-1090672_1920_pixabay

The water’s hot
The cup is ready
What shall it be today?

Some chamomile
Or peppermint
To calm
Or energize

For grumbly stomach
Or to ward off ills
Some ginger
Or echinacea

But green tea’s good
And traditional black
For strengthened heath
And comforting warmth

What’s that you say?
It tastes like grass?!
Don’t spew it out!
Now give it just a chance.

A bit of tea at end of day
Or when you’re feeling drained
It’s just the thing
I tell the truth

You’ll stick with coffee?
To each his own they say
Ahhh, this is fine
Time to relax and enjoy

… While I sip my cup of tea

8 thoughts on “A Cup of Tea

  1. Janie Dockery Helton

    While peppermint is my favorite, I also love English Breakfast tea, Earl Grey, and Chai. Your words made me smile!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Loved this, Charlotte Anne! I am a tea drinker….give me a chai tea or peppermint anyday! It is so relaxing and calming.. We must be British!!:) Diane

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Just reading this made me want a cup of tea!

    Liked by 1 person

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